Welcome Message

Dear Fellow Members,

I am extremely honored to serve as president of the Society in this, its 129th year of continuous operation. This year we will honor both the society's traditions and bring the society into the new millennium by extending its reach into the digital world. The Society's website will allow more efficient and timely communication about the gatherings we have planned for this year, as well as serve as a depository of the society's proceedings and history.

The change in meeting venues that was further tested last year, met with almost universal approval. This year we will attempt to build on this success by having a different venue for each meeting. We will, of course, will still meet at both Harvard Clubs and at the Dental School in conjunction with the Alumni Association.

The educational program this year will feature diverse speakers. Some to update us on the lastest developments that we can expect to be implementing in clinical practice in the future, others to give perspective on the changes occurring in the greater world and finally Dr. Epstein to educate us on the rich history on which the School and Society was built.

Compared to other dental schools, the Harvard School of Dental Medicine is small and as such its odontological society is small, but mighty. This year I would like each member to resolve to look around their world and identify potential new members. New members enhance both the diversity of our society and enrich the conversations we all enjoy during the society dinners. In particular, we need to increase the number of women members in our ranks, as the demographics of the dental profession shift, so should the society's membership reflect this.

We look forward to a year rich in education, good fellowship and growth.

Constant C. Crohin